ERAS Application 2017-18 for International Medical Graduates (IMGs)

ERAS Residency Application Components Guide for International Medical Graduates (IMGs)

Below are descriptions for each of the ERAS Residency Application Components, including those specifically for IMGs. The information included for each component is: The component + a brief description ** How many documents you are allowed per submitted application (in parentheses) Who is responsible for submitting Where to submit Processing Time Any hints or tips
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Residency Application Fees

Fees for the 2021-22 US Medical Residency Application Cycle

Are you familiar with all the Residency Application Fees you’ll be responsible for when applying for The Match? Understanding of these fees will help you better organize financial resources. Below is an outline of the fees and costs associated with the US Medical Residency Application process from start to finish. USMLE (For International Medical Graduates
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What is MSPE?

What is the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)?

One piece of the ERAS residency application that still causes confusion for residency candidates is the MSPE document. The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) replaced the Dean’s Letter and acts a direct evaluation of your medical school performance directly from your medical school. Unlike your other application documents, all MSPEs are held until applications are
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ECFMG Pathways

ECFMG Pathways for IMG Certification in 2022 Residency Match

There are 6 ECFMG Pathways for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) seeking eligibility for the 2022 Match Cycle. As most residency candidates already know, the USMLE Step 2CS exam has been permanently discontinued. Accordingly, the ECFMG committed itself to providing alternative Step 2CS Pathways for IMGs to satisfy this clinical skills portion of ECFMG Certification. So,
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Residency Application Timeline and Checklist

2021-2022 Residency Application Cycle: Complete IMG Timeline and Checklist

Below is a timeline of events with additional suggested actions per time period for the Main Residency Match® Season from start to finish for International Medical Graduates (IMGs). Bookmark this page to help you stay on track with the 2022 Residency Application Timeline and Checklist! Residency Application Timeline and Checklist June 2021: Start Your Program
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ERAS Residency Application 2021 Match Highlights (NRMP Data)

Match Day is one of the most exciting days of any medical student’s career.  It is the culmination of countless hours of work and dedication and marks both the end of one journey and the beginning of another. Read about the 2021 Match highlights below. In 2021, the Match looked different than it ever had
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MyERAS 2017-2018

MyERAS Application: How to Fill Out the Experiences Section

Advice for Completing the Experiences Section of the MyERAS Application The MyERAS Common Application (Now called the MyERAS Application) is a section of your ERAS account that is meant to cover all the basic information programs would need to know about your personal and professional background. If programs want, they can also view the ERAS
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Two ERAS Supporting Documents to Tackle Early

It is never too early to start thinking about the next Residency Application Cycle. The ERAS Application is quite expansive and takes a lot of forethought on the part of residency candidates to stay ahead of completing all of the tasks they need to. ERAS Application Prep and Planning New residency candidates, in particular, should
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An Approach to No USMLE Step 2CK Score

As the ERAS application date approaches, medical residency candidates are in the final stretch of putting their ERAS residency applications together. However, there is a group of candidates who have components of their application missing whether it’s a document like Letters of Recommendation, or a USMLE exam score. With this factor in mind, deciding when
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not get residency interviews

9 Reasons Why Medical Students Do Not Get Residency Interviews

Oftentimes, medical students do not get residency interviews because of easily avoided mistakes, omissions, and errors in their application. However, learning about these pitfalls is the best way to ensure that you give yourself the best chances possible. The Residency application process is vast, complex, and often confusing and overwhelming. Although you may not yet
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