IMG U.S. Medical Residency Application Timeline and Checklist

Know what you need to do and when to do it!

June 2015 Start Your Program Research
June 23, 2015 ERAS Tokens available

  • Have you applied and paid for your ERAS token through ECFMG?
    • You can find this under ECFMG’s OASIS ERAS Support
  • Have you used your token serial number to register for MyERAS?
  • Have you started looking at programs that are best suited to your credentials?
    • Be aware of free databases and program websites which are static and may be out of date, check for timestamps!
    • Call programs for the most up to date information
    • Annually updated and customized for you program requirement lists are available at Match A Resident

July through August 2015 Prepare Your Documents

  • Have you spoken with your Letters of Recommendation Authors?
    • Make sure you confirm the authors and give them the Letter Request Form from MyERAS
    • Try to have a one-on-one meeting to discuss their feedback about your performance and your expectations about the letter
    • If you do not waive your LoR, you may upload them to OASIS
  • Have you started your Personal Statements?
    • At least ONE per specialty
    • Upload once complete
    • If you need help editing or developing, see Residency Statement
  • Have you started work on your ERAS Application?
    • Preview the application with the ERAS Worksheet
    • Fill out your Contact Information, this is the only part of the application you can change after certifying
    • You can work on the application and come back to it
    • DO NOT CERTIFY until the application is complete and error-free, after certifying your answers will be set in stone
  • Have you asked for your USMLE transcript?
    • Make sure you authorize the release of this document
    • If you haven’t taken the Step 2 CK, take it before September! (scores take about 8 weeks to come back)
  • Have you uploaded a photo?
    • As professional as possible!
  • Have you requested an MSPE from your medical school?
    • They will not do this automatically, you must ask
  • Are you applying to a California program and need the PTAL?
    • Start this now! The process can take up to two months or more

September 2015 Apply to Programs
Sept. 1, 2015 Suggested OASIS documents submission date to have the documents ready the application start

  • Are your documents in?
    • Follow up with your LoR Authors and make sure to thank them!
    • Check with OASIS, MyERAS and your medical school for the status of your documents
    • Certify and submit your ERAS application

Sept. 15, 2015 ERAS Application Period Opens

NRMP® Registration Opens

  • Have you picked your programs, assigned to documents and applied?
  • Apply to at least 100 programs per specialty (if applicable)
  • Confirm you are fulfilling the program requirements
  • Did you register for NRMP to be Matched?
  • If you need a Visa, have you check on the status?

October 2015 Applying Continues and Interviews Start

Oct. 1, 2015 MSPEs released to programs from ECFMG if submitted prior to Sept. 15, 2015

  • Are you checking on or following up the status of your applications?
    • Be sure to check your messages

November 2015 NRMP, Applying, and Interviews

  • Have you registered for NRMP?
  • If you’ve gotten interviews and gone to them, did you send a thank you letter?

Nov. 30, 2015 Last day for NRMP early registration ($50 late fee after this date)

January 2016 NRMP

Jan. 15, 2016 NRMP Ranking begins

February 2016 NRMP

  • Have you registered and certified your ranking lists?
    • You may make changes to your Rank Order Lists after certifying until the deadline

Feb. 24, 2016 NRMP Rank Order List Deadline (9 p.m. EST)

March 2016 MATCH and Post-Match (SOAP)

March 11, 2016 All regular Match applicants will receive their SOAP eligibility

March 14, 2016 Match Week begins!

SOAP Commences (2 p.m. EST)

  • Have you checked your matches?
    • You will be notified at 12 p.m. (EST)
    • You have two hours to accept or decline
  • If you are unmatched, did you apply for SOAP (those who are eligible)
  • Post Match help also see Electronic Residency

March 18, 2016  SOAP concludes (5 p.m. EST)

Dynamic List of Unfilled Programs released (6 p.m. EST)

March 19, 2016 Match Day, learn WHERE you matched (1 p.m. EST)

May 2016 2015-16 ERAS Application Season Ends, but the new begins!

May 26, 2016 2016-17 ERAS Application Season Begins

May 31, 2016 2015-16 ERAS Application Season Ends

  • Do you have copies of EVERYTHING you may want in the future? If not, your documents will be purged.

Dates and times are subject to change. Always keep informed by visiting the websites.

-Olivia M.

Match A Resident Support


The NATIONAL RESIDENT MATCHING PROGRAM®, The NRMP®, SUPPLEMENTAL OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE PROGRAM®, and SOAP® are registered trademarks of National Resident Matching Program. THE MATCH™ is a trademark of National Resident Matching Program. ResidencyPrep, LLC and this page are not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with National Resident Matching Program.

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