Letters of Recommendation have the ability to make or break your residency application. But don’t fear, whether you are a third year medical student just starting their clinical rotations, you’re applying for residency and just thought of Letters of Recommendation, or if you’ve been out of the field for a little while, there are ways
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Know what you need to do and when to do it! June 2015 Start Your Program Research June 23, 2015 ERAS Tokens available Have you applied and paid for your ERAS token through ECFMG? You can find this under ECFMG’s OASIS ERAS Support Have you used your token serial number to register for MyERAS? Have
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It is that time of year…time to put together your application for obtaining a U.S. medical residency position. This includes asking for Letters of Recommendations (LoRs) that strengthen your application package. For Foreign Medical Graduates, LoRs are particularly important. It is essential that you follow the 5 tips below to secure the best possible Letters
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