Building a Stronger Application: What Unsuccessful Applicants Wish They Had Known

Navigating the residency application process can be overwhelming, and for many, the journey is fraught with uncertainty and challenges. Unsuccessful applicants often look back and realize there were crucial steps and resources they overlooked. By learning from their experiences, you can build a stronger application and increase your chances of success. Here’s what unsuccessful applicants
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Creating a Well Crafted Medical Residency Personal Statement

There are many ways to make an impression from bringing flowers on your first date to insulting someone’s shoes before realizing they’re your new boss. While applying for a medical residency program, you have many chances to make an impression such as your MyERAS application, Letters of Recommendation, and test scores. But, no avenue gives
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ASK NOW: How to Approach Letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation have the ability to make or break your residency application. But don’t fear, whether you are a third year medical student just starting their clinical rotations, you’re applying for residency and just thought of Letters of Recommendation, or if you’ve been out of the field for a little while, there are ways
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It Is Time To Put Together Your Application, Including LoRs!

It is that time of year…time to put together your application for obtaining a U.S. medical residency position. This includes asking for Letters of Recommendations (LoRs) that strengthen your application package. For Foreign Medical Graduates, LoRs are particularly important. It is essential that you follow the 5 tips below to secure the best possible Letters
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