not get residency interviews

9 Reasons Why Medical Students Do Not Get Residency Interviews

Oftentimes, medical students do not get residency interviews because of easily avoided mistakes, omissions, and errors in their application. However, learning about these pitfalls is the best way to ensure that you give yourself the best chances possible. The Residency application process is vast, complex, and often confusing and overwhelming. Although you may not yet
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Strategies for Older Candidadates

Strategies for Older Candidates

Medical residency applicants come in many forms. For example, there are US medical graduates (USMGs), International Medical Graduates (IMGs), those who are fresh out of medical school, and those who have been working in the medical field for an amount of time. However, candidates who have been out of medical school for a certain amount
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without LoRs before apply ERAS

Should I Wait Until I Have All My LoRs Before Applying to ERAS?

As with all tricky questions regarding applying through ERAS for medical residency, let’s get one thing straight. There is no “right” answer to whether or not you should wait until you have all your LoRs before applying to ERAS. However, we’ll do our best to explore the pros and cons of possible solutions. First, let’s
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Letters of recommendation

A Guide to Medical Residency Letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation (LoRs) have the power to make or break your medical residency application. According to the NRMP® Director Survey, Letters of Recommendation rank #2 among the top 5 most important factors when reviewing a residency candidate’s application. The strongest Letters of Recommendation are: Recent – Within one year of application Based on US
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US Clinical Experience (USCE) is defined as hands on experience working with patients conducted in a US medical environment

US Clinical Experience (USCE): What Counts and What Doesn’t?

Whether you’re a brand new International Medical Graduate (IMG) who is fresh out of medical school or a practicing doctor with 30 years under their belt, all IMGs must face the matter of US Clinical Experience (USCE). Out of the many factors you will have to consider for your residency application preparations, US Clinical Experience
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Standardized Video Interview (SVI) For Emergency Medicine ERAS Residency Application 2018

Standardized Video Interview (SVI) For Emergency Medicine Residency Application: Cancelled

The Standardized Video Interview (SVI) was initially tested during the 2016-17 Application Cycle. At the time, the SVI was implemented as a mandatory requirement for all Emergency Medicine residency applicants. It continued during the 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20 Residency Application Cycles. Unexpectedly, however, the video interview program was discontinued after the 2020 Match with the
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Interview Invitations in December?

Can I Get Residency Interview Invitations in December?

Interview season is in full swing, and you are probably wondering, ‘Can I get interview invitations in December?’ And the short answer is yes, you can! Many applicants will still be receiving interviews throughout December. Some applicants will even be getting last-minute invitations in January. These depend on potential slots that open up because of
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Why Am I Getting Residency Interview Rejections?

Getting residency interview rejections is never easy. And it natural to wonder, “Why am I getting these rejections?” First, it is important to keep in mind that almost every single applicant will get residency interview rejections. It is a normal and expected part of the residency application process. If you think about it, applying to
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What is the Difference Between Match A Resident and Residency Explorer?

Both Match A Resident and Residency Explorer offer powerful tools to aid medical residency applicants. After reading this article, we hope to highlight why using BOTH Match A Resident and Residency Explorer may be to the benefit of residency applicants.      What Does Match A Resident Offer that Residency Explorer Does Not?   1.
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Exceptions ECFMG Pathways

How To Apply for Exceptions to ECFMG Alternative Pathways

After the USMLE announced a 12-18 month delay for Step 2CS on May 26th, 2020 – the ECFMG quickly responded by presenting 5 Alternative Pathways for IMG applicants to still become ECFMG Certification eligible for the 2021 Match Cycle.    However, these Alternative Pathways were less inclusive and lenient than many applicants would have hoped. 
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