At 10 a.m. (EST) on Monday of Match Week, residency candidates who participated in the Main Residency Match® through NRMP® will fall into one of three categories, which determines whether you will participate in the Post-Match SOAP: Fully Matched – You have received a position that will give you full training for licensure (usually a
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Residency Programs
During this intensely competitive Match year and with so many qualified applicants in the pool, it may be possible you struggled to receive interview invitations. But, the Match season is not over! The Post-Match Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program® (SOAP®) gives applicants a chance to Match into programs with unfilled positions. The first step of
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A common question many residency candidates may have about the Post-Match SOAP ® is whether programs conduct interviews before the Offer Rounds begin Wednesday. The answer is yes. After sending your 45 applications, programs have three main ways of interviewing potential candidates throughout SOAP: In person (only for those who are local to the program)
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If the Residency Application Season is progressing and you haven’t heard from your top programs, you may have questions about what to do next. The next step for any residency candidate in this situation is to follow up with residency programs with a Letter of Interest. Should I contact programs after I apply? You can
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Introducing Match A Resident’s new LINK Features! What if, you could somehow know which residency programs have Matched with applicants from your medical school? Or if they’ve interviewed any IMGs from the country where your medical school is? What if you could somehow know if they’ve interviewed or even Matched with candidates who’ve had a
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If you are a residency re-applicant, understanding why previous attempts were not successful is imperative. There is no sense in trying the same thing over and over again, especially if it didn’t work the first time. Luckily, there ARE ways to improve and optimize both your application and your application strategy. Some potential weaknesses that
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While applying to US medical residency programs, you may run into certain specialties and programs that offer more than one “track” or length of training. Below, we’ll help you understand how Residency Program Training Tracks work. So, understanding the difference in medical residency tracks is very relevant when you are researching different medical specialties. As
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Whether you’re a brand new International Medical Graduate (IMG) who is fresh out of medical school or a practicing doctor with 30 years under their belt, all IMGs must face the matter of US Clinical Experience (USCE). Out of the many factors you will have to consider for your residency application preparations, US Clinical Experience
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Who and What The American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) and the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) will be merging with the MD programs’ Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). The merger will result in a unified ACGME Match for both students from MD and DO schools. DO programs will still have the
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Well-prepared residency candidates understand they need to put together a strong, cohesive ERAS Application to give them a better chance at success in getting interviews and matching. The difficulty lies in knowing what Program Directors and Interview Committees like to see in the application To help glimpse into the expectations of Program Directors and
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