Are You Eligible for the Post-Match SOAP?

During this intensely competitive Match year and with so many qualified applicants in the pool, it may be possible you struggled to receive interview invitations. But, the Match season is not over! The Post-Match Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program® (SOAP®) gives applicants a chance to Match into programs with unfilled positions.

The first step of the Post-Match is making sure you are qualified to participate. Below is a handy guide to ensure you fulfill the eligibility requirements for the Post-Match:

In order to participate in the SOAP, all IMG residency candidates must be:

  1. Registered with NRMP® by the Rank Order List Deadline (March 1st, 2025). This will be the LAST DAY you can register, otherwise you will not be able to participate in SOAP.
  2. Eligible to enter a US residency program July 1st in the year of The Match®.
  • IMGs MUST have passed all examinations required to obtain certification from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. This means you need your USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 2 CS scores* (*or ECFMG Pathway) completed and verified before the Rank Order List deadline. Give yourself at least a couple of weeks since NRMP and ECFMG perform weekly updates.
  • All eligibility verification must be completed by the Rank Order List Certification Deadline in order to participate in the Main Residency Match and SOAP.

With that, you are eligible for the Post-Match SOAP.

Some additional questions you may have are:

Do I need to submit a Rank Order List to be eligible?

No. As long as you are registered with the NRMP Main Match, you do not need to complete and certify a Rank Order List. Just make sure you have paid any outstanding fees.

I am an IMG, do I need to be ECMFG certified for the Post Match?

No. While you must have met your examination requirements for ECFMG certification by the Rank Order List Deadline, you do not need to be ECMFG certified.

I got Fully Matched into a residency program, am I eligible?

No. Only candidates who are Unmatched or Partially Matched may participate in the Post-Match.

If you have any further questions about the Post-Match SOAP, feel free to contact the Post-Match experts at Electronic Residency by calling 858-299-2003 or emailing


The NATIONAL RESIDENT MATCHING PROGRAM®, The NRMP®, SUPPLEMENTAL OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE PROGRAM®, and SOAP® are registered trademarks of National Resident Matching Program. THE MATCH™ is a trademark of National Resident Matching Program. ResidencyPrep, LLC and this page are not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with National Resident Matching Program.

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