One piece of the ERAS residency application that still causes confusion for residency candidates is the MSPE document. The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) replaced the Dean’s Letter and acts a direct evaluation of your medical school performance directly from your medical school. Unlike your other application documents, all MSPEs are held until applications are
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There are 6 ECFMG Pathways for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) seeking eligibility for the 2022 Match Cycle. As most residency candidates already know, the USMLE Step 2CS exam has been permanently discontinued. Accordingly, the ECFMG committed itself to providing alternative Step 2CS Pathways for IMGs to satisfy this clinical skills portion of ECFMG Certification. So,
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Medical residency applicants come in many forms. For example, there are US medical graduates (USMGs), International Medical Graduates (IMGs), those who are fresh out of medical school, and those who have been working in the medical field for an amount of time. However, candidates who have been out of medical school for a certain amount
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Whether you’re a brand new International Medical Graduate (IMG) who is fresh out of medical school or a practicing doctor with 30 years under their belt, all IMGs must face the matter of US Clinical Experience (USCE). Out of the many factors you will have to consider for your residency application preparations, US Clinical Experience
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In short, the answer to the common question of, “Can I apply to residency without Step 1?” – is yes, you can. Although programs are more likely to consider applicants with both Step 1 and Step 2, they may still consider you, as long as you have passed Step 2 CK. For example, many
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The road to becoming a practicing physician in the U.S. difficult, not to mention highly competitive. Taking this road as an international medical graduate can be even more challenging. Like U.S. medical students, IMGs must complete medical school, complete the USMLE, and match into a residency position before they can reach their goal. However, unlike
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So, you didn’t Match. Perhaps this was your first Match Season, or maybe you’ve been here before. Either way, if you end up unmatched at the end of a Residency Application Cycle, you find yourself falling into the category of “repeat applicant” or “residency reapplicant” and not sure what to do or how to proceed.
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Geological location is an important aspect of medical residency research for International Medical Graduates (IMGs). Not only must IMG residency applicants research individual residency programs, they should also be aware of state limitations and the overall IMG friendliness of a state. Knowing how IMG friendly a state is can help IMGs better focus their research,
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The 2018-19 Residency Application Season has come to an end. This means it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming 2019-20 Application Cycle. Whether this is your first Match Season or you will be reapplying, just thinking about starting the residency application can be a little daunting. Below you will find a suggested timeline to
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Many residency candidates have some aspect of their ERAS Application that may be perceived as a “gap” or “weakness” in the eyes of programs. While you are preparing for your residency interview, an important step is to identify what parts of your application may raise red flags for programs so you are better prepared to
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