The Post-Match Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program® (SOAP®) is a service offered by NRMP®, with applications transmitted through ERAS®. The Post-Match is an opportunity for residency programs to fill any vacant spots they may have after the Main Residency Match® and for residency candidates to fill those empty positions. Simply put, the SOAP takes the
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When the time for Rank Order List rolls around, there is one additional step residency candidates may take to further increase their standing with residency programs where they interviewed. Candidates can consider sending a Letter of Intent to programs they interviewed with to let them know they will be appearing on the candidate’s respective Rank Order
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The medical residency interview season is about to break for the holiday season. After the holidays, programs can still conduct interviews, but many programs will want to have their interviews all wrapped up for the opening of Rank Order List creation in January. Now is a good time to begin reflecting on your season, and
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Walking out of a residency interview can be filled with mixed emotions. You may feel confident you presented yourself well and made a connection with the program and the Program Director. Or, you may feel as though you could’ve put yourself out there more or answered a question differently. Even if a Program Director looks
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When picking a medical specialty to devote a minimum of three years post-graduate study, and a lifetime to, there are many considerations. For example: Your passions and interests in medicine – Are you surgical or do you prefer the puzzle of diagnosis? Your professional credentials – Test scores, clinical experience, etc. Your resources – Finances,
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After sending out applications, all residency candidates must play the waiting game to see if they will be receiving any interview invitations. This is quite possibly the most tense time for candidates– apart from Match week. After a few weeks, it’s easy to get discouraged when looking at forum sites or hearing from friends who
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After you return from the residency program interview, it is vital to send a Thank You Letter. A Thank You Letter may not be a “required” part of the residency application process, but it is an important gesture that demonstrates your dedication and determination. Not only that, but it may also improve a program’s impression
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It is common knowledge that what you say during a residency interview can have a great effect on how well the interview goes. Prepared candidates spend a long time carefully composing answers to the most used interview questions to ensure they are giving answers that paint them in the best light. However, many candidates do
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How you dress for an interview tells the residency programs about you. If you show up in wrinkled, unkempt clothing, you may come off as lazy, sloppy, or that you don’t care about the interview. If you show up in a short dress and six inch heels, programs may wonder if you thought this was
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You’ve spent weeks preparing, and now the big day is here. Residency program interviews can be intimidating. Residency candidates often make mistakes that may harm them the day of the interview due to stress, nerves, or lack of preparation. In order to make the most of each interview, it’s important to be aware of what
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