IMG Friendly States from Match 2021

Top IMG Friendly States from Match 2021

Among the many considerations faced by International Medical Graduates (IMGs) seeking US residency, geological location is notably important. Not only must IMG residency applicants research individual residency programs, but they should also be aware of state limitations and the overall IMG-friendliness of whole states. Learning more about IMG Friendly states from Match 2021 can help IMGs better focus their research and resources.

Based on the 2021 NRMP® Main Residency Match®: Match Rates by Specialty and State study, the Top 12 Most IMG Friendly States from Match 2021 are:

  1. New York (1,512)
  2. Texas (581)
  3. Florida (570)
  4. Michigan (535)
  5. Pennsylvania (519)
  6. New Jersey (468)
  7. California (428)
  8. Illinois (362)
  9. Ohio (342)
  10. Massachusetts (233)
  11. Connecticut (224)
  12. Georgia (191)

Dive Deeper into IMG Friendly States  

State US-IMG Non-US IMG Total
Alabama 27 58 85
Alaska 0 0 0
Arizona 30 31 61
Arkansas 46 36 82
California 291 137 428
Colorado 4 13 17
Connecticut 52 172 224
Delaware 7 5 12
D.C. 25 74 99
Florida 329 241 570
Georgia 116 75 191
Hawaii 6 9 15
Idaho 5 0 5
Illinois 105 257 362
Indiana 41 33 74
Iowa 8 11 19
Kansas 13 23 36
Kentucky 20 31 51
Louisiana 81 69 150
Maine 2 8 10
Maryland 50 139 189
Massachusetts 39 194 233
Michigan 216 319 535
Minnesota 16 70 86
Mississippi 33 28 61
Missouri 25 101 126
Montana 1 2 3
Nebraska 18 39 57
Nevada 31 5 36
New Hampshire 5 8 13
New Jersey 239 229 468
New Mexico 14 19 33
New York 599 913 1512
North Carolina 61 35 96
North Dakota 8 22 30
Ohio 117 225 342
Oklahoma 6 19 25
Oregon 11 5 16
Pennsylvania 151 368 519
Puerto Rico 65 3 68
Rhode Island 7 17 24
South Carolina 18 19 37
South Dakota 1 6 7
Tennessee 39 44 83
Texas 305 276 581
Utah 0 6 6
Vermont 1 3 4
Virginia 44 36 80
Washington 18 20 38
West Virginia 32 50 82
Wisconsin 33 43 76
Wyoming 6 0 6

IMG Friendly States – Comparison of % Change Since 2020

As you’ll see, while many states didn’t see drastic changes in the number of IMGs, several states gained or lost a large portion of their IMGs. Delaware tops the chart with a 71.4% gain, while Alaska lost 100% of their IMGs.

Did you know?

Match A Resident makes filtering by state incredibly easy. You can click “State” at the top of your Customized Residency List to group programs by state. Surprised by any of this data? Let us know in the comments below!


The NATIONAL RESIDENT MATCHING PROGRAM®, The NRMP®, SUPPLEMENTAL OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE PROGRAM®, and SOAP® are registered trademarks of National Resident Matching Program. THE MATCH™ is a trademark of National Resident Matching Program. ResidencyPrep, LLC and this page are not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with National Resident Matching Program.

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  1. Sara Talha

    I want editing in my personal statement but your fees is too high . I can’t afford this much

    • Tiffany M.

      We certainly understand the financial aspect of the arduous application process. That is why our Writing Services, while being some of the most comprehensive available, are also by far the most affordable. Similar services are typically between $899-$1200 (for 1 draft), while ours is currently priced at only $499 (including multiple revisions). We can additionally offer you a further 10% savings using the code SUPPORT10. However, this is the lowest our prices can go and will be all season. Peak season prices increase by up to $300, so I would recommend beginning early if you are at all able.

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