2016-17 IMG Residency Timeline and Checklist

IMG U.S. Medical Residency Application Timeline and Checklist The Main Residency Match application season can confusing and difficult to navigate, below is a timeline of events for the Main Residency Match® from start to finish.   June 2016: Start Your Program Research June 21, 2016: ERAS® Tokens available to IMG applicants Have you applied and
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Welcome to the 2016-17 Residency Match Season

It’s that time again! Welcome to the 2016-17 Medical Residency Application and Match Season. As this year’s season progresses and beyond, we here at Match A Resident will be posting information pieces, advice, and more to help you become better informed throughout your preparations, application, Match, and Post-Match. General Residency Application Timeline June: Prepare to
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Predicting the Post-Match SOAP: Be Prepared

The medical residency interview season is about to break for the holiday season. After the holidays, programs can still conduct interviews, but many programs will want to have their interviews all wrapped up for the opening of Rank Order List creation in January. Now is a good time to begin reflecting on your season, and
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How to Defeat Unnecessary Residency Application Expenses

Budget your finances wisely to increase your chances Fulfilling a dream in the field of medicine does not come cheap. It’s best to be prepared for the financial road ahead by being aware of costs relevant to the residency process. The expenses you pay add up fast between USMLE® tests, ECFMG® services, interview related costs
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The ERAS Components Break Down

As the US medical application season begins, it is important to be aware of the specific components you should be preparing for the application opening on Sept. 15, 2015. I highly suggest having as many of the components put together and ready to assign to medical residency programs as possible by September so you can
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Fees for the 2015-16 US Medical Residency Application Season

Fulfilling a dream in the field of medicine does not come cheap these days. You will need to be aware of your budget in order to make decisions about how many specialties you can apply to and which programs are worth going to interview with. It’s better to be prepared for the financial road ahead
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IMG U.S. Medical Residency Application Timeline and Checklist

Know what you need to do and when to do it! June 2015 Start Your Program Research June 23, 2015 ERAS Tokens available Have you applied and paid for your ERAS token through ECFMG? You can find this under ECFMG’s OASIS ERAS Support Have you used your token serial number to register for MyERAS? Have
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It Is Time To Put Together Your Application, Including LoRs!

It is that time of year…time to put together your application for obtaining a U.S. medical residency position. This includes asking for Letters of Recommendations (LoRs) that strengthen your application package. For Foreign Medical Graduates, LoRs are particularly important. It is essential that you follow the 5 tips below to secure the best possible Letters
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