Understanding Inclusive Program Requirements Lists

Understanding Inclusive Residency Program Requirements Lists

When researching residency programs on their websites or public databases, beyond often being outdated or inconsistent, there is one crucial piece these sources are missing for residency candidates to make the best program application decisions. What these sources are missing are what’s called program preferences. What are Program Preferences? A residency program preference is a program
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Top 5 Most IMG Friendly Specialties 2017 Match

Top 5 Most IMG Friendly Specialties 2017 Match

If you are an International Medical Graduate (IMG), picking which medical specialties to apply to can be made more challenging by the need to figure out which medical specialties are IMG friendly. Using the information provided by NRMP’s® Results and Data 2017 Main Residency Match®, we were able to figure out which medical specialties had
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J-1 Two-Year Foreign Residency Requirement for Physicians

Guest Author: J-1 Two-Year Foreign Residency Requirement for Physicians

J-1 Two-Year Foreign residency requirement for Physicians- Are there any Waivers? By Claudine Umuhire Gasana, Immigration Attorney The majority of foreign doctors who come to train in the U.S. must obtain J-1 exchange Visitor’s Visa. The J-1 visa is sponsored by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). ECFMG sponsors those foreign medical graduates
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Travel Ban Lifted by US Federal Court

Guest Author: Travel Ban Lifted by US Federal Court

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Temporary Restraining Order blocking the Travel Ban: 5 things you should know By Claudine Umuhire Gasana, Immigration Attorney On February 9, 2017, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denied the motion for an emergency stay filed by the U.S. Government. The Court found that the Government failed
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President Trump's New Executive Orders Explained

Guest Author: President Trump’s New Executive Orders Explained

President Trump signed Executive order to begin building the wall between the Border of U.S. and Mexico By Claudine Umuhire Gasana, Immigration Attorney On Wednesday, January 25, 2017, while visiting the Department of Homeland Security, President Trump signed two executive actions cover the following topics, which are intended to protect U.S. citizens from foreign nationals
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Top 5 Most IMG Friendly Specialties 2017 Match

Top 5 Most IMG Friendly Specialties 2016 Match

After completing medical school, the next biggest decision of your medical career is which branch of medicine to dedicate your life. If you are an International Medical Graduate (IMG), your decision is made even more challenging by having to figure out which specialties are the most IMG friendly. The information provided by NRMP’s® Results and
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What Program Directors are Really Looking at in Your ERAS Residency Application

It’s no secret that a well prepared residency application can get your foot in the door with medical residency programs. The secret lies in what Program Directors and Interview Committees really want to see when they look through a residency candidate’s application. The residency application preparation process is extensive and takes a lot of time
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2016-17 IMG Residency Timeline and Checklist

IMG U.S. Medical Residency Application Timeline and Checklist The Main Residency Match application season can confusing and difficult to navigate, below is a timeline of events for the Main Residency Match® from start to finish.   June 2016: Start Your Program Research June 21, 2016: ERAS® Tokens available to IMG applicants Have you applied and
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Welcome to the 2016-17 Residency Match Season

It’s that time again! Welcome to the 2016-17 Medical Residency Application and Match Season. As this year’s season progresses and beyond, we here at Match A Resident will be posting information pieces, advice, and more to help you become better informed throughout your preparations, application, Match, and Post-Match. General Residency Application Timeline June: Prepare to
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