IMG Friendly States from Match 2021

Top IMG Friendly States from Match 2021

Among the many considerations faced by International Medical Graduates (IMGs) seeking US residency, geological location is notably important. Not only must IMG residency applicants research individual residency programs, but they should also be aware of state limitations and the overall IMG-friendliness of whole states. Learning more about IMG Friendly states from Match 2021 can help
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Your Pre-Residency Job Search

Your Pre-Residency Job Search – Jobs with ECFMG Certification

There are many reasons you might be looking for work in the medical field before you begin residency. Perhaps you are relocating before applying for residency. Maybe you did not Match in the most recent cycle. Whatever the reason, there are many job options for medical school graduates who hold ECFMG Certification. Read below for
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compatibility score

Match A Resident’s Compatibility Score Explained

Each year, Match A Resident gives residency candidates the most current information. So, we contact thousands of programs directly. And, our information is accurate. It is better than what you can find searching the web. Our website compares your Step Scores, Time Since Graduation, amount of (USCE), and Visa Status with programs. So, we can
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USMLE Exams Eligibility Criteria

USMLE Exams Eligibility Criteria

There are many things that factor into the quality of a US medical residency application. As such, USMLE exam scores are one of the most important. In fact, Program Directors rate Step 1 and Step 2CK scores high on the list (1st and 3rd). So, keep reading to learn more about the USMLE exams eligibility criteria.
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Residency LoR Guide

Guide to Writing Residency Letters of Recommendation

sidency Letters of Recommendation (LoRs) are important. In fact, these supporting documents are ranked #2 by Program Directors when choosing applicants to interview. So, it’s important to have a solid understanding of how to streamline the process and develop the strongest letters possible. (Program Director Source) The key factors that define the strength of your
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Discontinuation USMLE Step 2CS

Permanent Cancellation of USMLE Step 2CS

The permanent cancellation of the USMLE Step 2CS examination was announced on January 26, 2021. It was initially suspended on March 16, 2020. The suspension and then discontinuation of the USMLE Step 2CS marked one of the most significant changes the Match has ever seen. It was formerly a required benchmark for obtaining ECFMG certification.
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Residency Application Fees

Fees for the 2021-22 US Medical Residency Application Cycle

Are you familiar with all the Residency Application Fees you’ll be responsible for when applying for The Match? Understanding of these fees will help you better organize financial resources. Below is an outline of the fees and costs associated with the US Medical Residency Application process from start to finish. USMLE (For International Medical Graduates
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What is MSPE?

What is the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)?

One piece of the ERAS residency application that still causes confusion for residency candidates is the MSPE document. The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) replaced the Dean’s Letter and acts a direct evaluation of your medical school performance directly from your medical school. Unlike your other application documents, all MSPEs are held until applications are
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ECFMG Pathways

ECFMG Pathways for IMG Certification in 2022 Residency Match

There are 6 ECFMG Pathways for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) seeking eligibility for the 2022 Match Cycle. As most residency candidates already know, the USMLE Step 2CS exam has been permanently discontinued. Accordingly, the ECFMG committed itself to providing alternative Step 2CS Pathways for IMGs to satisfy this clinical skills portion of ECFMG Certification. So,
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