What is the Post-Match SOAP?
The Post-Match Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program® (SOAP®) is a service offered by NRMP®, with applications transmitted through ERAS®. The Post-Match is an opportunity for residency programs to fill any vacant spots they may have after the Main Residency Match® and for residency candidates to fill those empty positions.
Simply put, the SOAP takes the whole residency application process and condenses it down to a mere few days.
For those who are unable to Match, or only partially Match to a preliminary or advanced position, the Post-Match SOAP can act as the next step to completing the Match Season and your requirements for full medical licensure in the US.
A Brief Overview:
The Post-Match SOAP takes place during Match Week from Monday until Thursday. You will receive an email the Friday prior to Match Week letting you know whether or not you are Post-Match SOAP eligible (this email does not indicate if you have Matched or not). Those who have conducted less than 10 interviews or have any other concerns about their chances to Match should make sure they fulfill the requirements for SOAP eligibility.
On Monday morning of Match Week, SOAP-eligible applicants will first learn their Match Status on NRMP. Then, they will be given the chance to view the List of Unfilled Positions provided by NRMP and select a maximum of 45 programs after researching each program for greatest compatibility. Finally, SOAP applicants will go to ERAS to prepare and submit their 45 applications for the programs they choose from the Unfilled List.
After candidates have had a chance to apply, programs will have the remainder of Monday and Tuesday to review applications and contact applicants. (Please note: Applicants are not allowed to initiate first contact with programs beyond submitting their ERAS application.) Starting Wednesday, NRMP will begin conducting a series of 2-hour long Offer Rounds where candidates will have a chance to Accept or Deny possible offers from programs.
The Post-Match SOAP will end at 11 a.m. (EST) Thursday of Match Week. NRMP will release a final, updated version of the List of Unfilled Programs to include non-SOAP participating programs.
The Road Ahead:
The Post-Match SOAP can be the most stressful part of the residency application process. This is especially true if you are overwhelmed by the confusion of the SOAP process. You will need to prepare yourself in advance to have the best chance of Matching during the Post Match.
Match A Resident, in partnership with Electronic Residency, is dedicated to answering your questions and helping you make the most of the Post-Match.
Follow Match A Resident’s info blog for tutorials, tips, and in-depth explanations.
If you have any questions about the Post-Match SOAP, be sure to contact the Post-Match experts at Electronic Residency by calling 858-299-2003 or emailing support@electronicresidency.com.
The NATIONAL RESIDENT MATCHING PROGRAM®, The NRMP®, SUPPLEMENTAL OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE PROGRAM®, and SOAP® are registered trademarks of National Resident Matching Program. THE MATCH™ is a trademark of National Resident Matching Program. ResidencyPrep, LLC and this page are not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with National Resident Matching Program.