8 Reasons Why Medical Students Do Not Match to Residency Positions

Some get it. Others don’t. Many will land the residency position of their dreams, while others will find themselves without a spot at the end of the medical residency application season. Why is is that some applicants succeed when many others do not Match? Is there a recipe for success? The truth is – there
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ERAS Changes 2016-17

Every year, AAMC’s® ERAS® makes changes to their timing and systems to try and make the residency application process run more smoothly and efficiently for applicants. This year is no different, and the changes are bigger and better than ever. Here are the ERAS changes you can expect this year that have been released**: Timeline:
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Welcome to the 2016-17 Residency Match Season

It’s that time again! Welcome to the 2016-17 Medical Residency Application and Match Season. As this year’s season progresses and beyond, we here at Match A Resident will be posting information pieces, advice, and more to help you become better informed throughout your preparations, application, Match, and Post-Match. General Residency Application Timeline June: Prepare to
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