Can You Apply to Multiple Medical Specialties in One Hospital?

Opposed Vs. Unopposed: Can You Apply to Multiple Medical Specialties in One Hospital?

Imagine, you’ve found the perfect Internal Medicine residency program and a fantastic Family Medicine residency program– but both are in the same hospital. Residency programs that share a hospital with other medical specialties are called Opposed Programs, while residency programs that are the only medical specialty in the hospital are Unopposed Programs. You feel torn.
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Understanding Inclusive Program Requirements Lists

Understanding Inclusive Residency Program Requirements Lists

When researching residency programs on their websites or public databases, beyond often being outdated or inconsistent, there is one crucial piece these sources are missing for residency candidates to make the best program application decisions. What these sources are missing are what’s called program preferences. What are Program Preferences? A residency program preference is a program
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Fees for the 2016-17 US Medical Residency Application Season

Becoming a doctor or medical professional to help heal the sick and tend to the injured is a beautiful dream. But, this dream does not come without a price. Many medical residency applicants applying for US residency positions are unaware of the financial hurdles posed by the residency application process. As you prepare for the
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Top 10 IMG Friendly States in USA

Most IMG Friendly States from the 2016 Match

Geological location is an important aspect of medical residency research for International Medical Graduates (IMGs). Not only must IMG residency applicants research individual residency programs, they should also be aware of state limitations and the overall IMG friendliness of a state. Knowing how IMG friendly a state is can help IMGs better focus their research,
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Didn’t Match: What Should I Do Now?

Not Matching into a medical residency program is a difficult experience for any residency candidate. However, after you’ve had time to reflect on your past season, it’s essential to move forward and start thinking about what to do between now and when the next application season opens. But, it can be hard to know what
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The First 4 Hours: The Importance of Utilizing Professional Assistance on Day 1 of Match Week

While you can click to view the full timeline for the Post-Match SOAP® here, it’s truly important residency candidates understand the tricky timing and limited nature of the Monday of Match Week. One of two things with happen, Monday, March 11, 2019. Either you will be Fully Matched, or you remain Unmatched/Partially Matched. If the first
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Timeline for the Post-Match SOAP 2016

As the Main Residency Match® and the Post-Match Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program® (SOAP®) approach, it is incredibly important you understand the timing of the Post-Match SOAP. As you can see from this timeline provided by, Match Week is a jam-packed few days, especially for those participating in the Post-Match SOAP. Knowing what to
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What is the Post-Match SOAP?

The Post-Match Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program® (SOAP®) is a service offered by NRMP®, with applications transmitted through ERAS®. The Post-Match is an opportunity for residency programs to fill any vacant spots they may have after the Main Residency Match® and for residency candidates to fill those empty positions. Simply put, the SOAP takes the
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Predicting the Post-Match SOAP: Be Prepared

The medical residency interview season is about to break for the holiday season. After the holidays, programs can still conduct interviews, but many programs will want to have their interviews all wrapped up for the opening of Rank Order List creation in January. Now is a good time to begin reflecting on your season, and
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