Receiving an invitation for a residency interview is a very exciting and anxious time for any residency candidate. This is your chance to impress programs in person now that you have caught their interest on paper. You should make the most of every opportunity by being thoroughly prepared for each interview. This will not only
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ERAS and residency programs are under no obligation to communicate with you after you have submitted an application. If time is passing and you haven’t received any word from programs, you may be left wondering if it’s beneficial for you to reach out to programs. First, be sure to wait the appropriate amount of time
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Many residency candidates have some aspect of their ERAS Application that may be perceived as a “gap” or “weakness” in the eyes of programs. While you are preparing for your residency interview, an important step is to identify what parts of your application may raise red flags for programs so you are better prepared to
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Budget your finances wisely to increase your chances Fulfilling a dream in the field of medicine does not come cheap. It’s best to be prepared for the financial road ahead by being aware of costs relevant to the residency process. The expenses you pay add up fast between USMLE® tests, ECFMG® services, interview related costs
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Perhaps the #1 question facing U.S. medical residency applicants is: Should I apply for the 2016 Match season? To be clear: the decision to apply or not, and which programs you apply to is up to you, the residency candidate. In order to apply for the 2016 Match, you should have your supporting documents together
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As the US medical application season begins, it is important to be aware of the specific components you should be preparing for the application opening on Sept. 15, 2015. I highly suggest having as many of the components put together and ready to assign to medical residency programs as possible by September so you can
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You’ve tried and tried, written and rewritten, erased, typed out and erased some more, but your medical residency Personal Statement still doesn’t feel right. You know the Personal Statement is a very important part of your application but you also know your English skills may not be up to the task or you worry you
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Fulfilling a dream in the field of medicine does not come cheap these days. You will need to be aware of your budget in order to make decisions about how many specialties you can apply to and which programs are worth going to interview with. It’s better to be prepared for the financial road ahead
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There are many ways to make an impression from bringing flowers on your first date to insulting someone’s shoes before realizing they’re your new boss. While applying for a medical residency program, you have many chances to make an impression such as your MyERAS application, Letters of Recommendation, and test scores. But, no avenue gives
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Hello Doctors! Whether you are applying for the first time or you’ve been there done that, ERAS has made some changes that will affect your 2015-2016 medical residency program applications. While this is all available on the ERAS homepage, I’ll just outline the changes for you here. Here are the updated components of the ERAS
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