Top 10 IMG Friendly States in USA

Top 10 IMG Friendly States 2017

Geological location is an important aspect of medical residency research for International Medical Graduates (IMGs). Not only must IMG residency applicants research individual residency programs, they should also be aware of state limitations and the overall IMG friendliness of a state. Knowing how IMG friendly a state is can help IMGs better focus their research, and resources.

Based on the 2017 NRMP® Main Residency Match®: Match Rates by Specialty and State study, the Top 10 Most IMG Friendly States are:

  1. New York (1385 IMGs)
  2. Michigan (460 IMGs)
  3. Pennsylvania (428 IMGs)
  4. Florida (422 IMGs)
  5. Texas (395 IMGs)
  6. New Jersey (391 IMGs)
  7. Illinois (364 IMGs)
  8. Ohio (366 IMGs)
  9. Massachusetts (327 IMGs)
  10. California (247 IMGs)

Below is the full list of all 50 US states and analysis of IMGs:

State US IMG Non US IMG Total
Alabama 25 51 76
Alaska 0 0 0
Arizona 38 31 69
Arkansas 44 21 65
California 163 84 247
Colorado 4 6 10
Connecticut 62 151 213
Delaware 4 1 5
D.C. 38 93 131
Florida 204 218 422
Georgia 84 69 153
Hawaii 11 16 27
Idaho 1 0 1
Illinois 144 220 364
Indiana 31 23 54
Iowa 13 23 36
Kansas 19 20 39
Kentucky 25 29 54
Louisiana 82 58 140
Maine 5 7 12
Maryland 46 137 183
Massachusetts 53 206 259
Michigan 163 297 460
Minnesota 12 49 61
Mississippi 15 9 24
Missouri 28 40 68
Montana 4 1 5
Nebraska 14 33 47
Nevada 23 21 44
New Hampshire 5 7 12
New Jersey 200 191 391
New Mexico 13 22 35
New York 580 805 1385
North Carolina 34 29 63
North Dakota 7 18 25
Ohio 91 236 327
Oklahoma 14 25 39
Oregon 9 5 14
Pennsylvania 179 249 428
Puerto Rico 66 9 75
Rhode Island 6 25 31
South Carolina 18 7 25
South Dakota 2 8 10
Tennessee 46 55 101
Texas 152 243 395
Utah 1 5 6
Vermont 4 3 7
Virginia 54 33 87
Washington 13 4 17
West Virginia 28 35 63
Wisconsin 41 41 82
Wyoming 4 0 4


Source: 2017 Match Results by State, Specialty, and Applicant Type

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