How to Create and Certify a Rank Order List
Guidelines for Preparing a Rank Order List (Main Residency Match):
1. The matching algorithm attempts to place you in the most preferred program possible, so rank programs in order of your true preference and not
where you think you will match.
2. Rank ONLY those programs where you are able and willing to train. Placing a program on your rank order list (ROL) creates a binding
commitment if a match occurs, so review carefully each program’s eligibility requirements and the contract you will be expected to sign.
3. Do not rank programs where you did not interview. Programs do not rank candidates they have not interviewed, and no match will occur.
4. No more than 300 ranks can be placed on a ROL.
Below is a Step-by-Step Guide for creating and certifying a Rank Order List (ROL) on NRMP®. Please note, there are two types of Rank Order Lists:
Primary = Used to rank Categorical, Preliminary, or Advanced positions.
Supplemental = If you have ranked an Advanced position, you may create a Supplemental list that only has Preliminary positions to complete a full training course (Preliminary year + Advanced program).
To Create a Primary Rank Order List
Step 1: Proceed to NRMP’s website.
- Be sure to register first and pay the registration fee (Standard fee: $70, Additional $50 Late Registration Fee after January 31st, 2025)
- Once you’ve registered and paid, go ahead and Log In
Step 2: Click on the “My Rank Order List” tab in the left-hand menu
- On your Primary List page, you will see any programs you have ranked as well as the most recent Rank Order List you have created and certified
- If you have not certified a list yet, your status in the top right will be RANKING
- If you have certified a list, your status will be CERTIFIED
Step 3: Add Programs
- If you know the program’s NRMP code (this is NOT the same as the program’s ACGME code), enter it into the box and click “Add and Save” to add it to your list
- If you do not know the program’s NRMP code
- Click the “Find and Add Programs” tab next to the “Primary Rank Order List” tab
- You will be prompted to select the Specialty, Program Type and Location of the program
- When you find the program, select the “Add” button next to the program name
- Click the “Add Selected Program to ROL and Save” button
Step 4: Complete Adding Programs and Make Changes
- You may add up to 20 unique programs on your Primary List and 20 unique programs on Supplemental Lists with no additional cost. Each additional program after 20 is $30.
- You may make changes at any time
- All changes are immediate
- Adjust the program order by using the “Drag and Drop” function at the far left
- Delete programs using the red X to the far right
To Create a Supplemental List
Creating a Supplemental Rank Order List is very similar to the Primary Rank Order List process. There are only a few additional steps. **Remember, you must have an Advanced program listed in your Primary Rank Order List to create a Supplemental Rank Order List (ROL). You may only include Preliminary or Transitional programs on this list, via the following steps:
- Add an Advanced program to your Primary ROL
- Under the “Suppl ROL” column on your Primary Rank Order List and in the Advanced program’s row, select “Add New” in the Drop Down Menu
- Go to the newly added “Supplemental Rank Order List” tab next to your Primary List tab
- Search and Add programs like you did with the Primary list
To Certify Your Lists
Once you have added programs to your Rank Order List (ROL), you must Certify your list. Your most updated list must be Certified by 9 p.m. (Eastern time) March 5th, 2025, to be included in The Match®. This is the Rank Order List Deadline. After this, if you forgot to certify, you will be withdrawn from The Match.
Step 1: Click the orange “Certify List” button
Step 2: Read over the Summary
- You will be informed of how many programs per list you have Ranked
- If you owe any fees, you will be informed of how much you must pay
- After certifying, if you have any outstanding fees, you will be brought to the payment page**
**Some Brief Notes About Payment:
- Be sure you have paid off any fees owed before the Rank Order Deadline or you will not be entered into The Match.
- There are no refunds. Even if you pay for more programs and decide to delete them later, your money will not be returned
- DO NOT CHARGEBACK. If you pay NRMP and initiate a chargeback, you will be banned from The Match
Step 3: Enter your Password and Submit
- Your status will be changed from RANKING to CERTIFIED at the top right and your most recently Certified Rank Order List (ROL) will appear on your “My Rank Order List” page
- Applicants can change their Certified list until the Rank Order Deadline has passed
- You must Re-Certify any changes– NRMP does not save any previous lists and will only use the most recently Certified list in The Match
If you have any additional questions beyond what is covered in this guide, NRMP has many resources and guides available at:
WATCH: Match A Resident Rank Assist Tutorial Below
The NATIONAL RESIDENT MATCHING PROGRAM®, The NRMP®, SUPPLEMENTAL OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE PROGRAM®, and SOAP® are registered trademarks of National Resident Matching Program. THE MATCH™ is a trademark of National Resident Matching Program. ResidencyPrep, LLC and this page are not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with National Resident Matching Program.