Supplemental ERAS Application

New for the 2021-22 Match Cycle: Supplemental ERAS Application

Applying to the Match is a process with many steps. And, there’s a new one for the 2021-22 cycle: the Supplemental ERAS Application. Therefore, according to the AAMC, this application is “designed to help students share more about themselves.” And, it will also “assist program directors in finding applicants that fit their programs’ setting and mission.” Below, we’ll share everything we know about this new application component!

Do all residency applicants need to complete the new Supplemental ERAS Application?

So, applicants applying to participating specialties during the 2021-22 Match cycle will have the option of submitting the Supplemental ERAS Application.  And, on September 1st, 2021, the AAMC will begin sending invitations. So, they will have personalized links for applicants who save or apply to a program in one of the participating specialties.

Participating Specialties

Internal medicine (preliminary and categorical)

General surgery (categorical)


Is the new Supplemental ERAS Application required or optional?

So, the Supplemental ERAS Application is optional for applicants. Beginning in early August, the AAMC will provide a list of participating residency programs.

What is the timeline for the new Supplemental ERAS Application?

Per the AAMC:

Activity  Date
Supplemental ERAS Application Essentials August 4th
List of participating programs published August 4th
Supplemental ERAS Application opens September 1st
Supplemental ERAS Application closes September 30th
Data available to Program Directors September 29*/October 6th**

*Supplemental ERAS Applications submitted by September 19th will be available to programs on 9/29.

**Supplemental ERAS Applications submitted between September 20th  – 30th  will be available to programs on 10/6.

What content is required for the Supplemental ERAS Application?

So, there are three sections of the new application, as per the AAMC:

1. Past Experiences –  So, the experiences section tells who you are and your journey to residency. And, it highlights meaningful experiences and obstacles.

2. Geographic Information – So, the geographic information section lets applicants describe their interest in geographic areas or urban or rural settings.

3. Preference signaling – Yes, preference signaling is where applicants express interest in a residency program at the time of application. So, applicants can choose up to 5 programs to signal. Yes, preference signals can be used by programs as one of many data points in deciding whom to invite to interview. And, preference signaling does NOT affect the number of applications you submit.

How can you learn more about the new Supplemental ERAS Application?

Now, access the Supplemental ERAS Application Guide here.

As always, Match A Resident strives to keep applicants updated with the latest information concerning the Match! So, we will keep you updated as official services release more information.

Now, with Match season almost in full swing, let us help save you time with program research. And, you can visit us at to learn more about our Customized Program Lists. Therefore, if you need assistance with:

Editing your Personal Statement, Letters of Recommendation, or the written sections of your MyERAS Application,

Visit us at to see how we can help!

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